The Property Diaries

The Property Diaries

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"Youthful gentleman," resumed the archdeacon, "in the king's last entry, there was a youthful gentleman, named Philippe de Comines, who wore embroidered about the housings of his horse this system, upon which I counsel you to definitely meditate: Qui non laborat, non manducet ."

nonaccent is a spoken accent that may be neutral and undistinctive; nonacrocentric is obtaining the centromere close to the center, and thus having around equal-sized arms; nonaccent can be an unaccented defeat or syllable, as in new music or poetry

Utilized in the sense of no or none, to indicate not enough or failure to execute; or during the sense of not, to negate the indicating of the phrase to which it is actually prefixed.

nonsmoking adj → Nichtraucher-; non location or portion → Nichtraucherbereich m; We've got a non coverage → bei uns herrscht Rauchverbot, bei uns darf nicht geraucht werden

a prefix which means "not,'' freely applied as an English formative, generally with an easy detrimental force as implying mere negation or absence of one thing (instead of the other or reverse of it, as generally expressed by un- one):nonadherence; nonpayment;nonprofessional.

nontechnical adj language etcetera → für den Laien verständlich; subject → nichttechnisch, nicht technisch; non folks → technische Laien pl

noncontroversial adj → für alle annehmbar, nicht kontrovers; for being non → keinen Anlass zu Kontroversen bieten

nonsectarian adj → nichtkonfessionell, nicht konfessionell; assembly → nicht konfessionsgebunden

nonaboriginal is usually a one that is not really aboriginal, here nonabrasive is usually a compound that's not abrasive, nonabstract is just not abstract

This view has the advantage of offering the ebook a functional religious aim - a sine qua non to any idea of the early Christian creating.

indicating lack or absence, esp of a quality associated with exactly what is specified: nonobjective, nonevent

That means "not" in phrases taken from Latin and Another languages, non is usually a individual word and isn't hyphenated: non compos mentis, persona non grata.

noncommittal adj → zurückhaltend; remedy also → unverbindlich; for being non about whether or not … → sich nicht festlegen, ob …; he’s so non → er legt sich nie fest

The Latin tongue is hardly comprehended, Syriac is unknown, Greek so odious that 'tis accounted no ignorance in quite possibly the most uncovered to skip a Greek term with no reading it, and to state, ' Groecum est non legitur .'"

nonexecutive adj inside a non ability → ohne Entscheidungsbefugnis; non director → ˜ Aufsichtsratsmitglied nt (ohne Entscheidungsbefugnis)

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